"The Delivery" begins with Jim and Pam both scoring some sales based on the fact that they are having a baby. Dwight is jealous and tries his hand at it, but he doesn’t quite nail it, instead opting for a ‘goat disease’ instead of a baby.
Michael tries his hardest to be involved with the birth in any way, even offering to drive. Kevin helps by cooking for himself and Pam a lot during the pregnant times because “they both get hungry at the same time.” Pam and Jim want to wait till midnight to leave for the hospital, because the insurance will only pay for two nights. The recession has hit Dunder Mifflin as well.
As Pam’s contractions start to speed up, everyone starts to huddle around. Jim gets worried about this, but Pam remarks, “No, the distractions are good,” which made Michael’s face light up in joy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so happy. “Conference Room! Five Seconds!”
But the distractions don’t help too much, the baby still is getting closer. In one of the funniest culture references in a while Phyllis offers to “put on lipstick like Molly Ringwald in The Breakfast Club
”, but Michael rebuffs.
Earlier after Dwight said he wanted to have a baby for “business purposes”, him and Angela meet and discuss their plans and start to draw a contract. Dwight wants to name his child Morpheus, Honus, or Wharf. Of course. But Angela says no ‘Star Trek’ names.
Michael and everyone else in “The Office” keep attempting to distract Pam from her contractions. Jim starts to get agitated that Pam won’t go to the hospital, and gets a bit ‘flustered’. Outside Pam reveals accidentally to Jim that they are having a little girl, and also reveals that her water broke. Jim starts to get really worried. But it’s only 4:35 P.M. and Pam still refuses to leave.
But then the contractions start to get shorter. Dwight drives along in his car with Michael behind him driving Jim and Pam. Dwight leads the caravan along the way to the hospital to provide ‘protection’.
When Pam realizes that she doesn’t have her iPod
she freaks, but Dwight agrees to go get it at home for her while they drive on. When they arrive, Michael parks in Ambulance parking because of their “emergency” and they baby is on its way.
Michael enters with a ton of balloons and we can hear Pam going through labor. Smarty, the cameras stay out. Michael walks in unprepared and walks out with a face of pure shock.
Everyone in “The Office” starts to arrive at the hospital to greet Pam and the new baby. But when the baby doesn’t come so quickly, Phyllis, Oscar and a few other decide to file out. When Michael hears the first cry of the baby he lights up a cigar in the hospital. When an orderly tells him to put it out he says, “you can’t smoke anywhere anymore”
Then little Cecilia Marie Halpert arrives, along with Pam’s mother, which makes an awkward moment when Michael hugs her. Michael holds the baby for the first time and he can’t get enough of it.
We see Dwight searching for the iPod, but when he can’t find it he tears up the house and ends up finding mold. Dwight decides to take a bath, read a book, get a good night sleep in Jim and Pam’s bed, and then eradicate the mold.
It’s the Dwight Shrute way.
Michael uses the baby’s arrival as an excuse to play matchmaker around the office, claiming he brought Jim and Pam together. Andy uses this as an excuse to finally ask Erin out after a fairly long courtship.
Jim and Pam are tending to the crying baby in the hospital and have an awkward conversation about breast-feeding. The nurse takes the baby away for a little bit, leaving Jim and Pam wondering what to do. There’s a shortage of rooms in the hospital so Jim and Pam and the baby get some roommates: another couple and their newborn.
Michael tries to set up Kevin and Erin, but Erin reveals that she likes Andy instead. Michael convinces her to have lunch with him anyway, which Andy gets very jealous of while hiding behind a plant and spying on them.
Angela and Dwight agree to meet and sign their baby contract, while Pam and Jim struggle with lactation, sleep and being new parents. Michael reveals to Kevin that he ‘set-up’ the lunch, and he gets fairly upset about it. Andy gets caught hiding behind another plant, hitting himself in the head in the process.
Pam’s friend Isabella shows up to visit the baby, and Pam and Jim show her off. But they realize they are holding the wrong baby, it’s the roommate’s baby instead of their own. Oops!! Pam just breast fed the WRONG baby. Jim and Pam switch the babies before the other mother wakes up.
With Pam and Jim still at the hospital, Isabella goes to their house to find Dwight and his cousin totally destroying the kitchen in hopes of eradicating the mold. Dwight and Isabella messed around at the wedding, so they have a flirtatious moment, and he says he will call her. She likes it.
Andy asks Erin to fax a message, which in turn is an invitation to ask her out. Finally, when that doesn’t work, he just asks her. Erin is overjoyed. Michael is even more excited as he shoots off an invisible cupid’s arrow as the two make plans.
The episode ends with a hilarious moment with Michael talking to the camera smoking the cigar from earlier. Before he can get any words out he starts to cough, and thinks he’s going to throw up.
The next episode of “The Office” will be “St. Patrick’s Day” and will air March 11, 2010. Michael thinks that he’s impressed Jo Bennett, only to realize someone else in the office has caught her eye. Meanwhile, Dwight makes trouble on Jim’s first day back from paternity leave. Andy and Erin go on an interesting first date.