For all you Breezer's out there (all 6 of you--and that might be an over statement) here's a new thing from your friends here in Boca-land, The Best Link in the Whole Wide World....Today.
Throughout everyday in our Internet consumption we pour over articles, videos, links, blog goes on and on and on. What this will be is the thing that I found (on each particular day) to be the most interesting article or video or anything that I deem noteworthy.
Not that I am such a great critic that all in the world should listen, but I'll put it this way, I won't steer you into anything trashy. Sure it might be a waste of your time, but it'll be worth wasting that time.
Okay so here we go, here is the first ever, The Best Link in the Whole Wide World....Today.
The link is from our good friends over at Cinematical which is one of my favorite movie sites out there. The post has an AMAZING rendering of the explanation of the film "Inception" in diagram form. If you haven't seen the film, beware, but I honestly don't think you could decipher it anyway without prior knowledge of what's going on.
Either way I have been obsessed with the film since I saw it, and if you enjoyed it, you will enjoy this to.
Until tomorrow my friends. And as Buster Olney says, tomorrow will be better.
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