Friday, April 9, 2010

Sarah Palin, Please Shut the F**k Up About Nuclear Weapons

As she should before she says anything, Sarah Palin really needs to shut the f**k up.

Earlier this week Palin criticized President Obama over his administration's proposal to limit the use of nuclear weapons.

At a rally on Wednesday, Palin told Fox News that the White House's vow to limit future use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states made the U.S. less safe. The former Republican vice presidential candidate compared the move to "a school kid asking to be hit."

Here's what she said:

Palin: "No administration in America's history would I think ever have considered such a step that we just found out that President Obama is supporting today. You know that's kinda like getting out there on the playground, a bunch of kids ready to fight and one of the kids saying 'Go ahead, punch me in the face and I'm not going to retaliate. Go ahead and do what you want to with me.'"

First off before I say anything, stop using lame and completely ridiculous metaphors to describe real problems in this country. We're talking about nuclear weapons here, not some school yard fight. I get it, you're from Alaska, and you're a 'small town gal'. But these are real issues.

Thankfully President Obama dismissed these criticisms (and rightly so), when he spoke to ABC's George Stephanopoulos pointing to Palin's lack of expertise on the policy surrounding nuclear weapons, and he brushed off Palin's claims that the move would make the U.S. more vulnerable.

Said President Obama: "I really have no response. Because last I checked, Sarah Palin's not much of an expert on nuclear issues. If the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff are comfortable with it, I'm probably going to take my advice from them and not from Sarah Palin."

Honestly, what's wrong with trying to limit nuclear arms anyway? Wouldn't it be nice to live in a world where you knew there were no bombs out there that could completely obliterate our cities and homes?

By the way Mrs. Palin, you said: "No administration in America's history would I think ever have considered such a step that we just found out that President Obama is supporting today." Well maybe you should take a look at this video of President Ronald Reagan, who many conservatives mention constantly when trying to criticize the current administration, as well as the "fair and balanced" bunch at Fox News.

If you don't have time to check out the video I'll give you the cliff notes version. Ronald Reagan, at a podium, giving a speech, uttering something like: "One day I would like to live in a world where there are no nuclear arms."

So no administration his history would ever fathom taking such a step? Point for Stewart and Obama. And honestly, what's so bad about trying to limit nuclear arms anyway? We're only setting ourselves up for a mutually assured destruction if we ever get into a nuclear battle with anyone.

Now I'm not saying I'm more of an expert than Palin, but I think that Obama may be slightly more intelligent with the subject matter. I think I'll stick with his side.

So Sarah, next time you want to talk about nuclear arms, just do us all a favor and STFU.

1 comment:

  1. I wish this article ran in a publication with more readers, because its something thats needed to be said for a long time. Not only does Palin have zero knowledge on nuclear proliferation efforts, she has a nero grasp for international law as a whole. It is still fascinating to me that this human being almost became the vice president of the U.S. Obama's efforts improve diplomatic relations abroad, (except maybe with the Russians) and improves U.S pr. Also, its called a f**king treaty Palin. It is something that all ratifying countries agree to in order to make the world a safer place. Id love to see more articles on why Palin is better off on Dancing with the Stars rather than CNN
