With everything that has been going on with Zach Snyder's Watchmen, one wonder's how likely it is that we will see the film when it's due to be released on March 6th. According to the Associated Press an attorney for Fox says the studio will seek an order to delay the release of the movie.
There's a story on Cinematical titled "Why We Will See Watchmen on March 6th". I sure hope they are right. They think that Warner Bros. will pay whatever it is they need to get the movie released on time. Clearly a lot of time and money was put into the film, and I do not think Warner's will want to lose it or allow it to be delayed.
On io9 it seems that they think fans probably will not see Watchmen on March 6th. As of right now it is obviously just speculation, but imagine the how outraged the loyal fan base of Watchmen would be if they could not see the movie they have been so anxiously waiting for.
I pray that a settlement can be reached, because I am dying to watch the Comedian burn through Vietnam, Dr. Manhattan travel to Mars, and Rorschach grapple and crawl his way around the city.
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