Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Boycott What?

Being up at 4:15 in the morning isn't necessarily a good thing, but I was on, and i found something that made me feel a bit better about being up so late. The article is a great rant about any fans that are planning to boycott Fox in light of the possible delay of Watchmen.

They bring up a pretty good point: what has Fox put out that anyone was really dying to see anyway? Max Payne, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Jumper? These are just a few examples they give.

One movie they have upcoming that is actually anticipated is X-Men Origins: Wolverine which will be released in May. I think the film looks good, but I have to agree with io9 that the movie is starting to look like a way to create a whole new batch of X-Men movie spinoffs by introducing a bunch of secondary characters like Gambit, Emma Frost, and Deadpool.

Hopefully the idea of a boycott will end up being a moot point because Watchmen will be released on time. Only time will tell...

And speaking of time, like three paragraphs down io9 writes in regards to Fox's former flameouts: "These are not just movies you're better off renting. These movies are the reason there's a 4:20 in the morning as well as the afternoon — they probably look pretty good if you're both sleep-deprived and stoned." Both of which i am.

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